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Consent Form for U.S. Persons, Corporate Clients

Consent Form for U.S. Persons, Corporate Clients

Consent Form for U.S. Persons, Corporate Clients


Consent of the Client that is a foreign taxpayer to information transfer

I, ____________________________________________________________________,

(surname, name, patronymic of the foreign citizen (for a legal entity, you also need to specify your title and the name of the organisation)

being a foreign taxpayer of


(foreign state the foreign citizen belongs to)


Please tick the appropriate box:


______ express my consent to the transmission of information to the tax authority and (or) to the foreign tax agents which are authorised by the foreign tax authority to charge foreign taxes and duties and also to Russian authorised bodies in the manner and to the amount established by the government of the Russian Federation.


________ express my refusal of consent to the transfer of information (the Bank has informed me that it has the right to refuse to carry out banking transactions, as well as to conclude a Bank Account (Deposit) Contract or to unilaterally terminate the Bank Account (Deposit) Contract).


____________________________ _____________________________________

(signature, full name)


_____ _____________201__


Accepted by the officer

 ___________________________ _________________ __________________

(officer’s title, signature, full name)

 _____ _____________201__